5 Things to Do with Your New Computer

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Computers are hot gifts for the holidays, so there’s a good chance that you or a family member got a new one recently and are learning the ropes of your new gadget. If you didn’t get one for a gift maybe you bought yourself a new one to start the new year.

Whatever the case, there are certain things you should do with your new computer to make sure things run smoothly. Let’s take a look.


1. Uninstall Software You Don’t Want

Your computer may have come with a laundry list of software. That’s great if you plan on using all of it. If you’re not, sort through and get rid of the ones you don’t plan on using. If you’re not sure, you can hang on to them for a bit and then get rid of them if you realize you’re not using them. Keeping them when you don’t need them just uses up memory and processing power that you can use for other things.

2. Have a Solid Antivirus Program

You don’t want your new computer to get infected with a virus or malware. That’s why you need to have a solid antivirus program to protect you. Many computers come with one installed, but it may not be updated. It may also not be the best program. There are many antivirus programs out there that won’t cost that much but will do a good job at protecting your computer.

3. Download or Install Any Applications

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If there are any applications or software you had on your old system and you want it on your new one, be sure to install them. If you still have your old computer, take a look at the ones you want and make a list. This will make it faster to get them onto your new computer because you’ll have the list at your fingertips.

4. Make Sure Windows is Updated

Yes, you have a new computer. But, don’t assume that it’s running the latest version of Windows. Microsoft typically releases updates monthly and sometimes even more frequently. Windows will usually alert you when a new version is available and suggest you update. If you ignore the alert too many times, it sometimes takes the liberty of just doing it anyway. 

5. Copy Over Any Data from Previous Computers

If your old computer is working, you can do this over a network. If not then you hopefully have a backup of your data. If you didn’t think about doing that, you may be able to remove drives from an older computer, if they’re functional, and plug them into the new computer.

Contact Us!

Whether you have a new computer or an older one, you can count on Enterprise Computer to make sure it is in the best condition and working properly. We offer a wide variety of computer services including repairs and the removal of viruses and malware. We can look at your computer and clear it of anything that’s slowing it down and preventing it from working as it should.

Call us today at 860-664-3730 to find out more about the services we offer.